Choose one or more service(s): (Unless otherwise noted, taxes and any application fee is not included). *
Upload legible colour scans of your Passport | اسکن رنگی و خوانا پاسپورت (*)(You can upload up to 15 image files, with each file having a maximum size of 5 MB.)
ID VERIFICATION: Immigration consultants are required to follow client identification and verification procedures when retained by a client to provide legal services. Accordingly, before we begin work on your behalf, we will require information from you concerning your identity. In addition, for some transactional work, we will require information to verify your identity (to confirm who you are) before the transaction occurs.
SUPERVISION: You are entering into a contract to receive the above-noted immigration services from Your Special Immigration Company thereafter called “ YSI”, supervised by the following licenced professionals: Zhila Zamanian Zeinali RCIC-IRB with membership number of R530761. We expect that most of the work will be performed or supervised by Zhila Zamanian Zeinali. However, we reserve the right to assign other lawyers, consultants in or company to perform legal services if in our judgment that becomes necessary or desirable
PAYMENT OF RETAINER: Before we begin work on your behalf, we require a retainer in the amount of $1000 ( except for the services that are less than 1000 ). The retainer will be placed in our client account and will serve as a source of payment for all or part of our account or accounts when rendered. You will be asked to replenish the retainer from time to time. Any unused portion will be returned to you upon the completion or termination of our services.
DOCUMENTS: We do not verify the authenticity or accuracy of the documents you provide us. It is your responsibility to ensure the accuracy and legitimacy of all documents submitted as part of the application. We are not responsible for any loss or liability resulting from the misrepresentation, falsification, or presentation of fake or forged documents by you or any third party, including your previous lawyer or regulated Canadian Immigration Consultant. We may stop representation if there is a loss of confidence, non-cooperation, unreasonable expectations, failure to take advice from counsel, or non-payment of our fees.
DELIVERING DOCUMENTS: Our main way of communicating with you is through email. Please make sure that the email address you provide us is the one that you monitor often. Any other way of communication does not count as a reference. We DO NOT ACCEPT any documents by WhatsApp. Telegram, Instagram and etc.. You MUST upload your documents using our client portal by way of the link provided to you by email address.
DOCUMENTS: Our retainer agreement is limited to the services we agreed to provide to you. ➢ Meet and speak with the Client(s) and their Designates to assess their case. ➢ Prepare the necessary forms and draft the necessary documents. ➢ Review of information and documentation specific to qualifying for the noted program and application. ➢ Correspond with the relevant Immigration Authorities and the RCIC, IRB and ECDS (if applicable). ➢ Maintain the confidentiality of the Applicant's information and documents
CLIENT COOPERATION: As immigration consultant, we work based on the documents you provide us. We cannot verify the authenticity of those documents. We will not take any steps to verify them. It is your responsibility to check and ensure their accuracy. All necessary documentation within the timeline given by the RCIC that will ensure timely submission of application.All documentation in English or French, or with an English or French translation.The Client understands that he/she must be accurate and honest in the information he/she provides and that any inaccuracies may void this Agreement, or seriously affect the outcome of the application or the retention of any status he/she may obtain. The RCIC’s obligations under the Retainer Agreement are null and void if the Client knowingly provides any inaccurate, misleading or false material information. The Client’s financial obligations remain.
REPRESENTATION CESSATION: We can and will stop representing you for loss of confidence, non-cooperation, unreasonable expectations, not taking advice from your counsel, and non-payment of our fees.
CONSENT TO ASK FOR YOUR FILE INFORMATION: We will ask your previous lawyer or regulated Canadian Immigration Consultant for documents in your file for review and immigration cases (all the documents they have submitted on your behalf) if they misrepresent or falsify documents or present fake or forged documents we cannot and will not be held liable for any loss you may incur. Further, we cannot be held liable for any loss you incur if your previous lawyer or regulated Canadian immigration consultant does not cooperate with us.
NO GUARANTEE: We will work with you toward your desired outcome; However, all legal actions are subject to many possible variables, all of which affect an adjudicator’s decision; accordingly, we cannot guarantee that your desired result will be achieved.
RELEASE: Neither YSI nor any of its employees or contractors accept any responsibility with respect to the transfer and deposit of your payment through any currency exchange business, even if the name of that currency exchange business was given to you by YSI staff or appeared on YSI’s website.
DISBURSEMENTS: You will be responsible for reimbursing us for expenses, also called disbursements, we incur on your behalf, and that must be paid to third parties. These include postage, deliveries, travel expenses, out-of-office photocopying, and printing, government filing and search charges, the fees of agents who conduct investigations, searches and registrations, and all other reasonable out-of-pocket expenses. If an unusual disbursement or expense arises involving substantial costs, such as, for example, fees for expert evidence, we will consult with you before incurring that cost. You will also be responsible for office charges allocated to your file. These include charges for paralegal time.
PACKAGE SERVICES: Package services are priced below what you would pay if you were to pay for each service individually. Performing some of the services in a package might not be possible due to circumstances of your matter. No partial refund will be issued if there is no need or if it is legally impossible to perform all the services in a package. You are always welcome to pay the regular fee and not sign up for a package.
TAXES: You will be charged the applicable taxes on fees and on some disbursements or other charges. This tax might or might not be included in the fee quoted above, please read the terms and condition of the service you choose carefully.
TRAVEL FEE: If we have to travel to another city, outside of Greater Vancouver in which case we need you to pay for the travel, accommodation, and other related fees. Hourly fee: If we are working on an hourly basis, our hourly fee is $150-$300 per hour depending on the Immigration consultant.
CLOUD-BASED STORAGE: Please note that the company uses one drive & google drive-based programs to store client files and immigration records. Some of these programs may use servers located outside of Canada. You acknowledge that these programs may create some risks for the security of your information.
RUSH FEE: We reserve the right to charge an additional 30% on the quoted fees if the service you request is a rush service. We will discuss the additional charge with you before beginning work on your file.
BIOMETRIC FEE: For immigration applications, whomever who does not have a valid biometric results must pay $85 to acquire the same.
CHANGE OF GOVERNMENT FEES: If at any time prior to the completion of your matter, any of the application fees, government fees, or taxes increase, you are responsible for paying the difference between what you have already paid and what are the new fees.
WEB FORM FEE: Submission of two webforms is free, however morethan that client will be charged $40 upon each webform.
DEFAULT: In the case of installment payments, the full outstanding balance becomes due if any single payment is missed.
FIXED FEE CONTRACTS (RETAINER AGREEMENTS): Prior to working on your file if you ask for a refund we will issue you a full refund. If we have worked on your file and you are unilaterally cancelling the contracts, you will be charged for every hour we worked on your file at an hourly rate of $150 plus applicable taxes. The Client further acknowledges and agrees that should he/she be denied of visa acceptance, at any time during the immigration process, based on the presentation of falsified documents, then there shall be no refund of the prepaid service fees. We currently offer installment payments for any APPLICATIONS ABOVE $1000. For installment packages we will issue an invoice at the beginning and then will apply your installment payments toward that unpaid invoice as you make the payment. Extra fees apply to exceptional circumstances as defined below.
EXCEPTIONAL CIRCUMSTANCES: The fees quoted above for flat fee services are for ordinary applications. Responding to procedural fairness letters, providing more than one update in the process of a temporary resident visa application prior to the first determination, responding to inadmissibility concerns, and other extra ordinary tasks are charged at the rate of $150 per hour.
FORCE MAJEURE: The RCIC’s failure to perform any term of this Retainer Agreement, as a result of conditions beyond his/her control such as, but not limited to, governmental restrictions or subsequent legislation, war, strikes, or acts of God, shall not be deemed a breach of this Agreement.
CHANGE POLICY: The Client(s) acknowledge that if the IMMIGRATION CONSULTATNT is asked to act on the Client(s) behalf on matters other than those outlined above in this Agreement, or because of a material change in the Client(s) circumstances, or because of material facts not disclosed at the outset of the application, or because of a change in government legislation regarding the processing of immigration-related applications, the Agreement can be modified accordingly upon mutual agreement.
DISPUTE RESOLUTION: Please be advised that Mrs. Zhila Zamanian Zeinali is a member in good standing of the Immigration Consultants of Canada Regulatory Council (ICCRC), and as such, is bound by its By-laws, Code of Professional Ethics, and associated Regulations. In the event of a dispute related to the Code of Professional Ethics, the Client(s) and RCIC are to make every effort to resolve the matter between the two parties. In the event a resolution cannot be reached, the Client(s) are to present the complaint in writing to the RCIC and allow the RCIC 30 days to respond to the Client(s). In the event the dispute is still unresolved, the Client(s) may follow the complaint and discipline procedure outlined by the Council on their website: NOTE: All complaint forms must be signed. ICCRC Contact Information: Immigration Consultants of Canada Regulatory Council (ICCRC) 5500 North Service Rd., Suite 1002 Burlington, ON, L7L 6W6 Toll free: 1-877-836-7543 AUTHORIZATION TO RELEASE INFORMATION AND TO RECEIVE INSTRUCTIONS: I ask you to share my application information and to receive instructions from the following person. Full Name : Authorized Representative's Email :
Signature - CONSENT: If you want us to proceed on the basis described above, please sign this Agreement and return it to us together with a retainer in the sum of the above-mentioned. I consent to have this website store my submitted information so they can respond to my inquiry. *
Digital signature | امضای دیجیتال * Please select an image of your legible signature.
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زمان آزاد و قابل رزرو
زمان رزرو شده یا غیر فعال
زمان مشاوره :
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هزینه مشاوره :
لطفا برای قطعی شدن رزرو ٬ هزینه را به شماره کارت زیر واریز و اطلاعات واریز را وارد نمایید.
شماره کارت : 6037991798681841
بانک ملی - به نام محمد سرابی جماب
هزینه مشاوره : 100 CAD
رزرو وقت مشاوره شما به صورت موقت انجام شد و پس از تایید ٬ قطعی تلقی خواهد شد و ایمیل دریافت خواهید کرد.
پرداخت شما تایید و رزرو وقت مشاوره شما انجام شد و پس از تایید ٬ قطعی تلقی خواهد شد و ایمیل دریافت خواهید کرد.
متاسفانه پرداخت شما تایید نشد و رزرو وقت مشاوره شما انجام نشد لطفا مجدد امتحان کنید.